Fitness Influencer
An Interview with Bryce Gibson
Business Owner / Fitness Trainer living in Los Angeles, California
As a boy growing up, trying to find my path in life, I was troubled with low self-esteem and I was somewhat of a late bloomer. I remember oftentimes feeling like I was unable to fully express myself and confidently move throughout life. I always felt like I was behind everyone else. It was the lessons I learned from sports, self-development, and ultimately becoming a personal trainer that unlocked my potential to embrace my inner confidence and show myself that I can exemplify a strong, confident leader.
I began to realize that my skill sets and personality characteristics are not a fixed trait, but rather things that could be molded and improved upon. This simple mindset shift drastically changed the way I live my life to this day.
For me, managing difficult decisions is about having the self-awareness to understand when I need help. I have never heard of any successful or accomplished individuals that were so inherently talented that they didn’t need assistance at some pointless.
Yes, it is to be able to act swiftly on your own merit when necessary, but to be able to humble yourself enough to know when our knowledge of your skillset isn’t enough is extremely noble.
Mountain Fitness
Right now, I am looking to change the entire stigma of the health, fitness, and wellness industries. With my company, Operation Unlimited, we are building a positive and inclusion wellness brand based on a community of people who are looking to be the most healthy, fit, mentally sound, and emotionally grounded, and well-rounded individuals they can be in the most realistic and least judgmental way possible.
We are building a brand that represents a LIFESTYLE; one that incorporates a holistic approach to health and that doesn’t use fitness to shame others or chase overly superficial goals.
There’s an innumerable amount of fitness trainers and health coaches out there all giving out similar information but being able to use a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of someone’s life in a reliable, Down-To-Earth type of way that will elevate someone miles ahead of the industry.
To help others get healthy, it really does take a significant mindset shift. The tactics, strategies, workout plans, and diets out there are nearly infinite so there’s little excuse for lack of information. The problem comes down to the approach that people take that emphasizes punishing your body into good health as opposed to working out and eating well because you love your body and want to do what’s for it. This is just one of the mental “shifts” I teach my clients to create better habits and lifestyle changes rather than following a plan for a month or two and then falling off entirely.
There are many fads out there about healthy living. What I do is to listen to a lot of health, fitness, and general wellness podcasts. I follow all of the industry leaders and influencers on social media and continue my education through courses and books to keep up with the latest fads.
I consume some sort of one of those sources of information every day to make sure my knowledge is always fresh and up to date.
Nutrition: Aside from sleep, nutrition is undoubtedly the MOST important part of a person’s health. It is hard for many people to understand this because they are so used to eating poorly, that they have no contrast for how good they could actually feel provided they fuel their body properly. The food you eat becomes the cells of every organ, tissues, and hormone of the body, so it’s up to you to find the fuel you want to fun off of and to make a part of your body’s structures.
The essential skills to be effective with maintaining your figure and shape are really very simple:
Exercise daily
Eat whole foods
Eliminate as many ultra-processed foods
Sleep 7 to 8 hours per night
If people were to JUST do that, they would see significant results. There are no secrets here. Like I said, it comes down to mindset and sustainable habit change.
If you are someone struggling in losing OR gaining weight, I would address any deficiencies in your mindset or daily habits that may be self-sabotaging you. Take an inventory of your daily exercise, nutrition (food and drinks), and sleep habits and be really honest with yourself on where you might not be addressing things that need work in these areas.
If you have done all the research and are still struggling, a trainer or a nutrition coach can provide the accountability and structure you may need to get to the next level.
I would advise anyone who wants to venture into this kind of work, to have two traits in place.
1. Have a burning desire to help others; this will fuel you WHEN you begin to lose motivation and always give you a reason for why you do what you do.
This is because it’s extremely hard to make a living in the industry early on, so you absolutely have to enjoy helping other people achieve their goals, that become part of the payment until you reach a certain level of success.
2. Be obsessed with learning about how the human body works. Just like becoming great at any profession, you have to be willing to become a life-long learner.
You will never know everything there is to know, but the willingness to always learn more about your craft will separate you from the competition.
Instagram: @Brycejgibson