Look at the art of crafting a signature ramen dish and discover the intricate details that make it truly special!

Menyo Shono invited me into his kitchen, where he guided me through photographing the art of crafting his two signature ramen dishes step by step.

“Menya Shono was founded in 2005 with a passion for serving delicious ramen and bringing happiness to our customers. After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in March 2011, we felt compelled to help those affected. Without gas and electricity, our hot ramen provided comfort to many in disaster-stricken areas, highlighting its power to uplift spirits. This experience fueled my determination to expand our business, leading to new branches in Bunkyo and Shinjuku, as well as international locations. We also established a school to promote Japanese food culture and high-quality service.”

Based in Tokyo, Japan, opened their first restaurant in Mesa, Arizona. The owner/chef and his Japanese chef were in Arizona for over a month from Tokyo training the staff. They have 90 international franchises


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